Channel: ECLIPSE
Category: Entertainment
Tags: choreographersuga케이팝kpop in publicjungkookjinkpop dancechoreographydynamitenamjoonyoongionbtsjhopepermission to dancebighitbutterreactionhybedance in publicweverseeclipse kpopdance tutorialtxtkpopjimintaehyungseokjinbig hitcomeback stagermmap of the soul
Description: We started working on this cover in March of 2020, went into lockdown right in the middle of practice, and held onto the hope that we could return to it when ECLIPSE came back. Now, a year and a half later, here it is as a welcome back to our team coming together again as well as a mini-farewell to our Jimin, Lia, who headed off to college (but will return)! Now let’s bring it ON. Dancers | @instagram -------------------- J-Hope - Crystal Jimin - Lia | @liadelemos Jin - Lena | @1enaverse Jungkook - Madi | @madilxuise RM - Stanton | @stantonkatsu Suga - Lucas | @lucxlin V - Michelle | @themellebox Backup Dancers -------------------- Brandon | @toastedblt Joyce | @joyzr Justin | @4m4zn Kevin | @kchow63 Lance | @lancelalisan Sho | @greatestshoman Directors -------------------- Crystal Alex | @ggabk Brandon | @toastedblt Videographer -------------------- Miguel | @miggy._.smallz Youtube Channel: Support Us -------------------- Patreon | Follow Us -------------------- Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Chat with Us -------------------- Discord | This video is used only for entertainment purposes. We do not own any of the music or choreography. #KPOPINPUBLIC #BTS #ON